Conceived and filmed at London's O2 Arena in September 2019 the film follows a team of scientists as they investigate the source of a paranormal anomaly appearing around the world. Blurring the lines between narrative and concert film, virtual and reality, Muse's most theatrical t[ZiYuantun.Com]our to date launches the viewer through a supernatural spectacle, questioning the world around us. 译文(2): 这部电影于2019年9月在伦敦 O2体育馆构思并拍摄,讲述了一组科学家对世界各地出现的超自然现象的根源进行调查的故{资源屯}。缪斯迄今为止最具戏剧性的巡回演出,模糊了叙事与音乐会电影、虚拟与现实之间的界限,通过一个超自然的奇观向观众展示,质疑我们周围的世界。