A man tries to raise his two sons and two daughters under some of the most adverse conditions known to man. The father operates a horse-drawn cart, but in a city that is modernizing after the destruction of the Korean War, automobiles are making carts obsolete. The children are experiencing difficulties as well. The eldest son has flunked the bar exam twice and is not hopeful of passing it a third time to become a lawyer. The eldest daughter is mute and married to an abusive husband. The younger daughter tries to pose as a rich university student to move up in life. The youngest son has a penchant for petty theft. 译文(2): 一个男人试图在人类所知的最恶劣的条件下抚养他的两个儿子和两个女{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。这位父亲经营着一辆马车,但在朝鲜战争结束后正在现代化的城市里,汽车正在使马车变得过时。孩子们也遇到了困难。大儿子两次没有通过律师资【ZiYuanTun.Com】格考试,并且没有希望第三次通过考试成为一名律师。大女儿是哑巴,嫁给了一个虐待狂丈夫。小女儿试图装成一个有钱的大学生,以便在生活中向上爬。最小的儿子有小偷小摸的癖好。