Claire lives with her wealthy adopted parents in a luxurious and isolated house in the woods. She discovers a wounded and bleeding boy her age in her family's garden shed. The boy is a young drug courier from Afghanistan; shot and wounded after serving his purpose as human packing material. Claire decides to keep the boy a secret. He slowly recovers under her care;【ZiYuanTun.Com】 and they fall in love. When the drug dealers return and Claire's family is due to move back to the city; they decide to flee; though Claire finds it difficult to outrun her past as an abandoned child. 译文(3): 克莱尔和她富有的养父母住在树林里一所豪华而与世隔绝的房子{资源屯}。她在家里的花园棚屋里发现了一个和她同龄的受伤流血的男孩。这名男孩是一名来自阿富汗的年轻毒品快递员;在充当人体包装材料后被枪击受伤。克莱尔决定对这个男孩保密。在她的照顾下,他慢慢康复;然后他们坠入爱河。当毒贩回来,克莱尔的家人将搬回城市时;他们决定逃离;尽管克莱尔发现很难摆脱她作为一个被遗弃的孩子的过去。