On his first weekend parole after 5 years in prison, Mark Rodriguez witnesses the armed robbery of a security van. His brother's critical situation a[ZiYuantun.Com]nd his own feelings of remorse will lead him to take desperate measures. His only help will be a young and sexy stripper he met the night before. 译文(3): 马克·罗德里格斯(Mark Rodriguez)在入狱5年后的第一个周末假释时,目睹了一辆保安车遭到武装抢{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。他哥哥的危急处境和他自己的自责情绪将导致他采取绝望的措施。他唯一的帮助将是他前一天晚上遇到的一位年轻性感的脱衣舞娘。