Lars Rockne and his family, including his four year old son Knute, emigrate to Chicago in 1892 from their native Norway. By his mid-twenties Knute saves enough to attend obscure Notre Dame University, where he excels in football and chemistry. He and a teammate develop the forward pass as an offensive weapon while working as life guards on summer break and use it to upset heavily favored Army in a historic game. After graduation Rockne becomes a teacher while coaching part-time but ultimately aband【ZiYuanTun.Com】ons academics to devote all his energies to football. During his tenure as head coach at the school, he develops such outstanding players as George Gipp, who dies prematurely from a strep infection, and the Four Horseman while introducing many innovative tactics including the backfield shift. Rockne, known for his staccato motivational speeches, devotes his life to maintaining the integrity of the sport he loves and promoting it as an integral component in the development of the American character. 译文(2): 1892年,拉尔斯 · 洛克尼和他的家人,包括他四岁的儿子克努特,从他们的祖国挪威移民到芝加{资源屯}。到25岁左右,克努特攒够了钱,进入了名不见经传的巴黎圣母院大学(Notre Dame University)学习,在那里他擅长足球和化学。他和一名队友在暑假期间担任救生员时,将前传发展成为一种进攻性武器,并在一场历史性的比赛中用它来打败深受青睐的陆军队。毕业后,洛克尼成为了一名教师,同时兼职教练,但最终放弃了学业,将所有精力都投入到足球上。在他担任学校主教练期间,他培养了许多杰出的球员,比如因链球菌感染而早逝的乔治 · 吉普(George Gipp) ,以及四骑士(Four Horseman) ,同时引入了许多创新战术,包括后场转移。洛克尼以断断续续的励志演说而闻名,他毕生致力于维护他热爱的体育运动的完整性,并将其作为美国人性格发展不可或缺的组成部分加以推广。