



    • 主演: 未知


    Murderous Children presents 4 files, 4 real stories of criminal children. The story begins in a reformatory where the most overwhelming and moving stories are gathered, showing the storms and abuses faced by children who have known abandonment, torture, rage and human disorder. Four lives that converge in the most culminating point to murder. Tweety and Cat: two teenagers who dispute their destinies in the world of drugs and human trafficking. Gerardo and Pablo: their proposal will be strong to push the people that they love the most. Carlos and Miguel: will take their inner grudges towards the most perverse. And Mariano: will have an opportunity to discover what is better? ¿kill or love?. Rather than showing a monstrous and ruthless society, it shows its most intimate, most innocent and illusive side, fractured at the most precise 【ZiYuanTun.Com】moment to become that they were so close to: Murderous Children. Killer children presents the most overwhelming and moving stories that show the storms, abuse and abuse faced by children who have known the abandonment, torture, rage and human disorder of the people with whom they have lived and loved. Their stories tell us the journeys, the decadence and the ruptures that have been taken to the limit of their control, the social events that have led our childhood to destroy that innocence, passing that thin thread between the illusion to become the evil and the absolute perversion. This saga not only narrates the cruelty in its reality and hopelessness, but also for the darkness of the lives portrayed, which rather than showing a monstrous and ruthless society, shows its most intimate, most innocent and hopeful side, fractured at the most precise moment the childhood.   译文(2): 谋杀儿童呈现4个档案,4个犯罪儿童的真实故{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。故事开始于一所感人至深的少年感化院,展现了那些遭受过遗弃、折磨、愤怒和人类混乱的儿童所面临的暴风雨和虐待。四条生命汇聚在谋杀的最高点。两个青少年在毒品和人口贩卖的世界里争论他们的命运。杰拉尔多和巴勃罗: 他们的提议将强有力地推动他们最爱的人。卡洛斯和米格尔会把他们内心的怨恨发泄到最邪恶的地方。马里亚诺: 会有机会发现什么是更好的吗?杀人还是爱情?.与其说它展示了一个残酷无情的社会,倒不如说它展示了社会最亲密、最无辜、最虚幻的一面,在最精确的时刻破碎成为他们如此亲近的人: 谋杀的孩子。杀人儿童呈现了最具压倒性和感人的故事,显示了儿童所面临的暴风雨、虐待和虐待,这些儿童了解与他们一起生活和相爱的人所遭受的遗弃、酷刑、愤怒和人性混乱。他们的故事告诉我们,他们的旅程,他们的堕落和他们的控制极限的破裂,社会事件,导致我们的童年摧毁了这种纯真,通过之间的细线幻想成为邪恶和绝对的反常。这部长篇小说不仅叙述了现实中的残酷和绝望,而且描绘了生活中的黑暗,它不仅没有展现出一个残酷无情的社会,反而展示了它最亲密、最无辜、最充满希望的一面,在童年最精确的时刻破碎了。

