Small Town Hero is a dark and comical drama set in an idyllic rural town in England. It follows the story of 'Pep' who becomes a local hero after taking the law into his own hands to prevent a crime. Relishing in his new found glory, Pep joins the neighbourhood watch to further his agenda and fulfil his dream of creating a utopia; a town free of crime and antisocial behaviour. Before long, the extremity of Pep's measures and his aggressive and violent approach to achieving his goals becomes unacceptable to the local community and he is shunned. Desperate to regain his hero status, the rumour{Ziyuantun.Com} of a paedophile gives Pep one last chance to save the day; a manhunt ensues. 译文(2): 《小镇英雄》是一部以英国一个田园诗般的乡村小镇为背景的黑暗而滑稽的电视{资源屯}。这部电影讲述了“活力”为了防止犯罪而亲自执法后成为当地英雄的故事。享受着新获得的荣耀,佩普加入守望相助队员,推进自己的计划,实现自己创造一个没有犯罪和反社会行为的乌托邦的梦想。不久之后,佩普极端的措施以及他为实现目标而采取的咄咄逼人的暴力手段让当地社区无法接受,他也遭到了回避。为了重新获得英雄的地位,一个恋童癖的谣言给了佩普最后一次机会来拯救世界; 随后,一场追捕行动开始了。