Jonah Lives

Jonah Lives



    • 主演: 未知


    A story of revenge from beyond the grave, centering on a group of teenagers who unknowingly supply the catalyst for the murder{Ziyuantun.Com}ed Jonah's return from the grave. A day like any other in a town not unlike that found all across the country, like minded teens hanging out, laughing, enjoying each other's company. When the darkness takes over the day and boredom sets in, they retreat to their basement hangout. Francis, the self-imposed leader of the group, a wannabe mystic, decides to play with their heads and breaks out a Spirit Board. Eagerly the game is played and soon they make contact with the tormented Spirit of Jonah. They begin to ask questions and soon learn how, when, and why Jonah was murdered in his lifetime. Mocking Tony, who warns them that it is a dangerous game to play, they make the choice of their young lives when they participate together in summoning Jonah beseeching him to come to them through the spirit board...   译文(2): 这是一个从坟墓中复仇的故事,故事围绕着一群青少年,他们在不知不觉中为被谋杀的约拿从坟墓中复活提供了催化{资源屯}。每一天都像城里的其他人一样,不像全国各地发现的那样,像有思想的青少年一样闲逛,大笑,享受彼此的陪伴。当黑暗占据了白天,无聊开始时,他们退回到他们的地下室聚会地点。弗朗西斯,这个自我强加的组织的领导者,一个想要成为神秘主义者的人,决定玩弄他们的头脑,并且打破了一个精神委员会。他们急切地玩这个游戏,很快就接触到受折磨的约拿圣灵。他们开始问问题,很快就知道约拿在他有生之年是如何、何时以及为什么被谋杀的。嘲笑托尼,谁警告他们,这是一个危险的游戏玩,他们做出了自己的年轻生活的选择时,他们一起参与召唤约拿恳求他来到他们通过灵板..。

