
主演:多丽丝·黛 杰克·莱蒙 厄尼·科瓦奇 Howard 玛丽·威克斯 Eugene Napoleon 卡特·德黑文 哈利·斯 


类型: 喜剧 电影 美国 1959

豆瓣ID:2299323 豆瓣评分:0.0

IMDb链接: tt0052933 IMDb评分:6.5

上映时间:未知 更新时间:2024-08-17

TAG:简出了什么事WEB-1080P下载 简出了什么事免费下载 简出了什么事 

时长:97 分钟

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Doris Day was nearing her popular zenith, and Jack Lemmon just hitting his stride, when they teamed up for It Happened to Jane, a small-town comedy in the Capra vein. Doris is a widowed mom whose Maine lobster business is snarled by railroad tycoon Ernie Kovacs (hiding behind a skullcap and a huge cigar), the "meanest man in America." Her lawsuit against him, aided by lawyer-suitor Lemmon, gains national headlines. This is a curious movie: crucial scenes seem to have been left unwritten, while sequences involving Cub Scouts and an oddly impassioned Town Hall Meeting go on endlessly. Director Richard Quine was making some fun movies around this time (Bell, Book, and Candle), but the fizz is only intermittent here, mostly provided by Lemmon's jack-in-the-box youthfulness. Doris sings a couple of tunes and brings her downhome tomboy routine to New York City, where the movie employs some of the quaint TV personalities of the day. --Robert Horton   Synopsis   Jane is a widow who manages her own lobster business, as a means of providing for her two children. When a railroad trashes a shipment of her goods, she sets her lawyer onto them to claim compensation...   译文(3): 多丽丝·戴(Doris Day)正接近她受欢迎的巅峰时期,杰克·莱蒙(Jack Lemmon)刚刚迈开步伐,他们合作拍摄了一部卡普拉风格的小镇喜剧《简遭遇》(It Happed to Jane{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。多丽丝是一位寡居的母亲,她的缅因州龙虾生意被铁路大亨厄尼·科瓦奇(Ernie Kovacs)(躲在一顶鸭舌帽和一支巨大的雪茄后面)搞得一团糟;美国最卑鄙的人";在律师追求者莱蒙的协助下,她对他的诉讼成为全国头条新闻。这是一部奇怪的电影:关[ZiYuantun.Com]键的场景似乎没有被写下来,而涉及童子军和一场异常热烈的市政厅会议的镜头却没完没了。导演理查德·奎因(Richard Quine)在这段时间拍摄了一些有趣的电影(《贝尔》、《书》和《蜡烛》),但这部电影的失败只是断断续续的,主要是由莱蒙的《杰克在盒子里》(jack in the box)中的年轻人提供的。多丽丝唱了几首曲子,并把她在乡下的假小子日常生活带到了纽约市,在那里,这部电影采用了当时一些古雅的电视人物--罗伯特·霍顿

