Anthony is in the Phillipines visiting his father. He inadvertently interferes with the affairs of local gangster Quino, who also happens to be a champion Karate fighter. After embarrassing Quino near a local tournament, Anthony is beaten up and left{Ziyuantun.Com} for dead. An old monk nurses Anthony back to health and teaches him the ways of martial arts so he may go back and fight Quino again. 译文(2): 安东尼去 Phillipines 看他父亲{资源屯}。他无意中干涉了当地黑帮成员奎诺的事务,而奎诺恰好也是空手道冠军。在一次当地锦标赛上让奎诺难堪之后,安东尼遭到殴打,被留下等死。一个老和尚护理安东尼恢复健康,并教他武术的方式,这样他就可以回去再次与基诺战斗。