The Resonator: Miskatonic U

The Resonator: Miskatonic U




    Set in the fictional college campus "Miskatonic University" in Arkham, Massachusetts where all sorts of fantastic and unworldly events have been known to unfold in Lovecraft lore, THE RESONATOR: MISKATONIC U follows six gifted students as they navigate life after one of them, Crawford Tillinghast, builds a machine known as the "Resonator". The machine allows one to experience multiple dimensions while navigating the unsavory beasts that dwell within them. But things get complicated when Tillinghast realizes that the prototype of his creation has not only released murderous and deadly creatures into his world, but also has affected his own real{Ziyuantun.Com}ity.   译文(2): 故事发生在 Arkham 虚构的大学校园“米斯卡托尼克大学”,在那里,各种各样的奇幻和超凡脱俗的事件已经在 Lovecraft 的传说中展开,共鸣者: 米斯卡托尼克大学跟随六个天才学生,在他们中的一个,克劳福德 · 蒂林哈斯特,建造了一台被称为“共鸣者”的机器之后,他们在生活中航{资源屯}。这台机器允许人们在体验多维空间的同时导航住在里面的令人讨厌的野兽。但是当 Tillinghast 意识到他创造的原型不仅释放了凶残致命的生物进入他的世界,而且还影响了他自己的现实世界时,事情就变得复杂了。

