




    In Italy this is considered a B-movie. Anyway it is a sort of thriller, very rich in strange and funny characters, sometimes a little exaggerated. Dialogues are often based on Roman dialect which could be difficult to understand (sometimes it is even for Italians). Among conversations, there's a lot of gags, especially between two main characters, Nico Giraldi and Venticello, representing people coming from the same poor, post-war background. One of them is a policeman (Nico), the other one (Venticello) is a definitely unlucky, ignorant, little thief. Once were friends. In a way, they still are. The main soundtrack theme is obsessive and distressing, creating a suspense that's difficult to imagine. I saw this movie several times, but from time to time I like to watch it again, just for fun. A movie rich of rude dialogs and scenes that make you laugh even before any of the characters has the chance to speak. It could be considered a B-movie but I 【ZiYuanTun.Com】think that soon it will be re-evaluated.   译文(3): 在意大利,这部电影被认为是B级电{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。不管怎么说,这是一部惊悚片,里面有很多奇怪有趣的角色,有时有点夸张。对话通常基于罗马方言,这可能很难理解(有时甚至对意大利人来说也是如此)。在对话中,有很多插科打诨,尤其是在两个主角尼科·吉拉尔迪和文蒂塞洛之间,他们代表着来自同样贫穷的战后背景的人。其中一个是警察(尼科饰),另一个(文蒂塞洛饰)绝对是个不幸、无知的小偷。曾经是朋友。在某种程度上,他们仍然是。原声音乐的主题是令人着迷和痛苦,创造了一种难以想象的悬念。这部电影我看了好几遍,但有时我喜欢再看一遍,只是为了好玩。一部充斥着粗鲁对话和场景的电影,甚至在任何角色有机会说话之前就让你开怀大笑。它可以被认为是一部B级电影,但我认为很快它就会被重新评估。


