Three filmmakers receive an unsettling postcard from an estranged friend living in a secluded commune. The filmmakers take their cameras into the wilderness o{Ziyuantun.Com}f Montana to document the mysterious inner workings of the group. On their disconcerting road to self-sufficiency, witnessing something more shocking than they ever imagined. 译文(2): 三个电影制片人收到了一张来自一个生活在偏僻公社的疏远朋友的令人不安的明信{资源屯}。电影制作人带着他们的相机走进蒙大拿州的荒野,记录这个组织神秘的内部运作。在他们通往自给自足的令人不安的道路上,目睹了一些比他们想象中更令人震惊的事情。