




    Tod Slaughter was never well-known in the U.S. However, before Hammer Studios revived the genre in the late-1950s, Slaughter was British cinema's biggest (if also only) horror star. He'd successfully toured numerous grisly, vintage Victorian melodramas on the stage circuit for decades before someone thought of filming one in 1935. His surprise screen success resulted in ten such movies being released over the next five years (until the advent of World War II soured the public's ta{Ziyuantun.Com}ste for such campy mayhem). This later one, directed as usual by Henry King, was a bit glossier than most, reflecting the star's peak popularity. Here he plays a typical mustache-twirling dastardly villain, a wealthy aristocrat of 1880 Paris who schemes to marry a banker's unwilling daughter by any means. Meanwhile, a series of murders are being committed by the mysterious "wolf man" known as "Le Loup." As the written prologue makes clear, this feast of hammy hokum wasn't intended to be taken too seriously, but audiences at the time found them enjoyably shuddersome all the same. After his cinematic vogue ended, Slaughter returned to the stage (continuing to play villains such as "demon barber" Sweeney Todd) and later had a television suspense series.   译文(2): 托德 · 斯劳特在美国并不出{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。然而,在20世纪50年代末汉默工作室复兴这一类型电影之前,斯劳特是英国电影史上最大的恐怖明星(如果仅仅是恐怖明星的话)。在1935年有人想到拍摄一部维多利亚时代的恐怖情节剧之前,他已经在舞台上成功巡演了数十年。他令人惊讶的银幕成功导致了在接下来的五年里发行了十部这样的电影(直到二战的到来使公众对这种虚假的破坏失去了兴趣)。后来这部由亨利 · 金一如既往执导的电影比大多数电影都更加光彩夺目,反映了这位明星的最高人气。在这部影片中,他扮演了一个典型的留着胡子的卑鄙小人,一个1880年巴黎的富有贵族,无论如何都要娶一个银行家不情愿的女儿。与此同时,一系列的谋杀案正在由神秘的“狼人”勒路普犯下正如书面的序言所表明的那样,这场胡说八道的盛宴并没有被认真对待,但当时的观众发现它们仍然令人愉快地感到不寒而栗。在他的电影风潮结束后,斯劳特重返舞台(继续扮演反派角色,如“恶魔理发师”斯威尼 · 托德) ,随后拍摄了一部悬疑电视剧。


