Falchi is a melodrama set in the city of Naples, in its pulsating multi ethnic veins. The movie tells the story of two agents of the Special Squad of Naples, a police unit that investigates organized crime. Though impeccable at their work, the two cops hide s{Ziyuantun.Com}trong weaknesses, shady secrets, loneliness, and overwhelming passions in their private lives. 译文(2): 法尔奇是一部以那不勒斯市为背景的情节剧,其脉动的多民族血{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。这部电影讲述了那不勒斯特别小组的两名特工的故事。那不勒斯特别小组是一支调查有组织犯罪的警察部队。虽然他们的工作无可挑剔,两个警察隐藏强大的弱点,可疑的秘密,孤独,和压倒性的激情在他们的私人生活。