



    • 主演: 戴夫·戴维斯鲍比·坎波


    Ever wonder what humans are capable of when pushed to the brink of death? In the abandoned town of【ZiYuanTun.Com】 Freedom, Florida, such a question is being answered as an ever-rotating group of hitchhikers and lost travelers are being put in situations that test their will to survive. BECK (Bobby Campo), CANDICE (Mariah Bonner), and JIMINEY (Dave Davis) take a road trip into this isolated town to research the legend of feral children for a new graphic novel. As they interview the few residents living on the outskirts of town, they ignore all warnings to "leave before they become part of the story", and are captured by the reclusive psychopath, RUNYAN. Starved for the purpose of entertainment and revenge, our three travelers find themselves in a situation pulled right from their darkest nightmares. They are forced to fight and kill other captives to earn their next meal. When our heroes think they've seen the deepest pit of inhumanity, they discover that Runyan is just a pawn in a bigger, deadlier ...   译文(2): 有没有想过当人类被推向死亡的边缘时会做出什么事来?在佛罗里达州被遗弃的自由镇,这个问题得到了解答,因为一群不断轮换的搭便车者和迷路的旅行者正被置于考验他们生存意志的境{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。贝克(鲍比 · 坎波饰)、坎迪斯(玛丽亚 · 邦纳饰)和吉米尼(戴夫 · 戴维斯饰)开车进入这个与世隔绝的小镇,为一本新的漫画小说研究野孩子的传说。当他们采访住在郊区的少数居民时,他们忽视了所有“在他们成为故事的一部分之前离开”的警告,并被隐居的精神病患者 RUNYAN 捕获。为了娱乐和复仇,我们的三个旅行者发现自己处在一个从最黑暗的噩梦中被拉出来的境地。他们被迫战斗和杀死其他俘虏,以赚取他们的下一顿饭。当我们的英雄认为他们已经看到了最深的不人道的深渊,他们发现 Runyan 只是一个更大,更致命的棋子..。

