After returning home from the funeral of their youngest daughter, who was brutally raped and murdered, a family tries desperately to put the tragedy behind them. After discoverin[ZiYuantun.Com]g that the man suspected of the crime has been released by police due to lack of evidence, and with the help of a friend whose daughter was also killed by the suspect, a plan is hatched to "teach the guy a lesson". Unfortunately the plan is ill conceived and hastily executed with unexpected and disasterous results for all concerned. 译文(2): 他们的小女儿被残忍地强奸和谋杀,在参加完她的葬礼回家后,一个家庭拼命地想把这场悲剧抛在脑{资源屯}。在发现犯罪嫌疑人由于证据不足而被警方释放后,在一位朋友的帮助下,他的女儿也被嫌疑人杀害,于是就有了一个“教训这个家伙”的计划。不幸的是,该计划构思拙劣,仓促执行,给有关各方带来了意想不到的灾难性后果。