Jonathan is a lonely twenty-something, stuck in his home town working night shifts at the local convenience store. When an unexpected encounter with a mysterious woman turns his life upside down, Jonathan is stricken by illness and nightmarish visions. Paranoid and desperate, he launches on a que【ZiYuanTun.Com】st across the suburbs to find the seductress who started it all. Friends and family believe he's losing his mind, but Jonathan is convinced he's the target of something far more sinister. 译文(2): 乔纳森是一个孤独的二十多岁的年轻人,他被困在家乡,在当地的便利店上夜{资源屯}。当一个意外的遭遇,一个神秘的女人改变了他的生活颠倒,乔纳森被疾病和噩梦般的幻觉。偏执又绝望,他开始了穿越郊区的探索寻找这一切的始作俑者。朋友和家人都认为他疯了但乔纳森坚信他是更邪恶的目标。