A treasure hunter (Josh Margulies) discovers an old journal that, along with a compass he inherited as a boy, leads to an ancient Hawaiian secret that's been lost for generations. This powerful staff is known to contain a mystical force that could destroy the island. But his greedy rival (Dezmond Gilla) is determined to secure the staff's power for himself, leading to a cat-and-mouse game through the wild Hawaiian rainforest. 译文(3): 一位寻宝者(乔什·马古利斯饰)发现了一本旧日记,连同他小时候继承的指南针,揭示了一个世代失传的古老夏威夷秘{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。众所周知,这根强大的杖含有一种神秘的力量,可以摧毁这个岛屿。但他贪婪的对手(德兹蒙德·吉拉饰)决心为自己确保【ZiYuanTun.Com】员工的权力,导致了一场穿越夏威夷野生雨林的猫捉老鼠游戏。