



    • 主演: ShôKosugiJamesBoothDonnaKeiBenz


    Akira Saito, a Japanese businessman lives in Tokyo with his Japanese-American wife Aiko and their children, Takeshi and Tomoya. When the family has a chance to move to the United States so that Aiko can teach the children about their American heritage, they pack up and head for Houston, Texas and run a restaurant. This is where the trouble begins. A band of crooked cops store stolen goods in the back room of the restaurant and unknown to the Saitos family, a priceless necklace (the Van Atta necklace), is wanted by a local syndicate. When one of the dirty cops decide to take the necklace for himself, the syndicate goes after the previous owner of the restaurant, then after the Saitos'. When one of the boys is kidnapped by top thug Limehouse, Akira quietly rescues him. However, when Aiko and Tomoya are run down by Limehouse in an effort to get the necklace, Akira has had enough. For years, Akira has kept a dark secret. Akira finally decides to unleash his dark side.   译文(2): 日本商人齐藤明(Akira Saito)和他的日裔美籍妻子爱子(Aiko)以及他们的孩子武史(Takeshi)和朋也(Tomoya【ZiYuanTun.Com】)住在东{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。当这个家庭有机会搬到美国,这样爱子可以教孩子们有关他们的美国传统,他们打包前往休斯顿,得克萨斯州和经营一家餐馆。这就是麻烦开始的地方。一群不老实的警察在餐厅后面的房间里存放偷来的东西,Saitos 家族并不知道,一条价值连城的项链(Van Atta 的项链)被当地的一个犯罪集团通缉。当一个腐败警察决定把项链据为己有时,财团会追杀餐厅的前任老板,然后是斋藤夫妇。当其中一个男孩被头号暴徒 Limehouse 绑架时,Akira 悄悄地营救了他。然而,当爱子和朋也为了得到项链被莱姆豪斯追杀时,亚基拉已经受够了。多年来,亚基拉一直保守着一个黑暗的秘密。亚基拉终于决定释放他的黑暗面。

