When a father-and-son relationship gets stuck, just apply a liberal dose of grease. Literally. But what if your dad is a brutal murderer nicknamed the Greasy Strangler? And what if he also tries to interfere with your new girlfriend? And what if he has a gigantic penis? Remember, in an absurd comedy full of psychopaths, never skimp on the lube. 译文(3): 当父子关系陷入困境时,只需涂上一点润滑{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。字面[ZiYuantun.Com]上但如果你父亲是个残忍的杀人犯,绰号“油腻的搁浅者”呢?如果他也试图干扰你的新女友呢?如果他有一个巨大的阴茎呢?记住,在一部充满精神病的荒诞喜剧中,千万不要吝啬润滑剂。