A coming of age romance for anyone who's ever had a crush. Since high school, Stan and Jenny have had crushes on each other. They wrote letters to one another over school holidays but in person t[ZiYuantun.Com]hey barely spoke; sharing only the occasional lingering glance and smile. Over the years they fantasized about how perfect they would be as lovers. Ten years later they bump into each other and have the chance to make it a reality but it's not that simple; self doubt, fear of rejection, of losing their fantasies will hold them back from what could be the perfect union 译文(2): 对于任何一个有过暗恋对象的人来说,这都是一段浪漫的成长经{资源屯-ziyuantun.com}。从高中开始 Stan 和 Jenny 就暗恋对方。在学校放假期间,他们互相写信,但很少亲自交谈; 只是偶尔留下挥之不去的目光和微笑。多年来,他们一直幻想着他们会成为多么完美的恋人。十年后,他们偶然相遇,并有机会将其变为现实,但事情并不那么简单; 自我怀疑,害怕被拒绝,害怕失去幻想,这些都会阻碍他们实现完美的结合