Sandrine, 30 years old, is forced to return home in Roubaix to live with her mother. She is unemployed and accepts to work with her uncle in a kennel, which turns out to be a hub for dog trafficking f【ZiYuanTun.Com】rom Eastern Europe. She rapidly acquires authority and respect in this world dominated by men, and earns the money that could provide her with her freedom. But sometimes even good soldiers stop taking orders. 译文(2): 现年30岁的桑德琳被迫返回鲁贝与母亲一起生{资源屯}。她失业了,接受了和她叔叔一起在一个狗舍工作,那里原来是从东欧贩卖狗的中心。在这个由男人主宰的世界里,她很快就获得了权威和尊重,并赚到了可以为她提供自由的钱。但有时即使是优秀的士兵也不会服从命令。