Jennifer, a Harvard PhD student, was signing a check at a restaurant when she found she could not write her own name. Months before her wedding, she became progressively more ill, losing the ability even to sit in a wheelchair. When doctors insisted that her condition was psychosomatic, she picked up her camera to document her own {Ziyuantun.Com}story and the stories of four other patients struggling with the world's most prevalent orphan disease. 译文(2): 哈佛大学博士生詹妮弗在一家餐馆签支票时发现自己连自己的名字都写不出{资源屯}。婚礼前几个月,她的病情逐渐加重,甚至失去了坐轮椅的能力。当医生坚持认为她的病情是心身疾病时,她拿起相机记录下了自己的故事和其他四个病人与世界上最流行的孤儿疾病抗争的故事。