Allen Meneric is committed to a psychiatric institution for the criminally insane because of a brutal revenge murder. There he is forced to deal with the very ill and the dangerous until, as part of a socialization program, he is transferred to minimum security where he meets Mia, a beautiful bipolar female inmate. Ever haunted by his past, Allen seeks his redemption when sudden events demand that he protect Mia from the violence and chaos of the inst{Ziyuantun.Com}itution. 译文(2): Allen Meneric 因为一起残忍的报复性谋杀被送进了精神病{资源屯}。在那里,他被迫与重病患者和危险人物打交道,直到作为社会化项目的一部分,他被转移到最低安全级别监狱,在那里他遇到了美丽的躁郁症女囚米娅。一直被过去所困扰的艾伦,在突发事件要求他保护米娅免受学校暴力和混乱的时候,寻求自己的救赎。