Shot around the world in 2010 and 2011 and narrated by Ewan McGregor, 'Fastest' captures the intense and thrilling reality of the MotoGP World Championship, documenting a pivotal moment in the sport. With Valentino Rossi chasing his tenth World Championship title the Italian ran into one of the toughe【ZiYuanTun.Com】st challenges of his career: a crop of exceptionally fast young competitors, a horrific leg break at his home race, and an amazing comeback little over 40 days later. Confronting such a monumental task and with rival Jorge Lorenzo taking the 2010 title, Rossi faced up to one of the most testing year's in his illustrious career and along with his fellow competitors was left asking: Who is the fastest rider now? - Written by 译文(3): 《最快》于2010年和2011年在世界各地拍摄,由伊万·麦格雷戈讲述,捕捉了摩托车大奖赛世界锦标赛的激烈和激动人心的现实,记录了这项运动的关键时{资源屯}。随着瓦伦蒂诺·罗西(Valentino Rossi)追逐他的第十个世锦赛冠军头衔,这位意大利人遇到了他职业生涯中最严峻的挑战之一:一批速度极快的年轻选手,在主场比赛中可怕的腿部骨折,以及40多天后的惊人复出。面对如此艰巨的任务,随着对手豪尔赫·洛伦佐夺得2010年冠军,罗西面临着他辉煌职业生涯中最考验的一年,他和其他竞争对手一起问:现在谁是速度最快的骑手?