简介:仿紀錄片的真的,假不了;假的,又真不了。導演欲探索女明星的心路,帶著攝影師一個一個的跟。明星不但出奇地願意講,更歌舞片癮發又跳又唱。啊,Charlotte Rampling原來是個書蟲,J u l i e D e p a r d i e u 最愛的工餘活動{Ziyuantun.Com}是在家中的園圃裡養雞,Jeanne Balibar 怒火中燒時會打人!你有壓力我有壓力,馬爾雲最想展露的,其實是星光燦爛背後的困惑:爭取角色和一般打工仔爭份工,一樣是個爭鬥。此時此刻,安坐軟枕看好戲上演的觀眾就是最舒服了。
简介:Alfonso, brutal agent of the Department of Protection of High Personalities, is forced to team up with young inexperienced recruit Walter, fascinated by the world of show biz. This improbable duo is in charge of the protection of Jal-Y, a young R'n
简介:A drug heist goes wrong, as one of the drug carriers escapes after stabbing the robbers, gets a glimpse of their faces. The two masked men are actually two police officers, who decided to plan the heist. Vincent, a lieutenant who now has a bad stab wound,