简介:弗兰克(约翰尼·梅辛纳 Johnny Messner 饰)曾经是一名警察,但是因为过去发生了种种不堪回首的往事,弗兰克辞去了警察的职务,发誓再不与这个圈子有半点瓜葛。一天,弗兰克接到了莫斯警探的通知,震惊的得知,自己唯一的儿子惨遭人杀害,身为一名父亲,还有比这更可怕的消息了吗?于是,弗兰克从隐居的乡下返回了市里,他发誓要制裁杀人凶手,为自己的儿子报仇。 弗兰克归来的消息惊动了前帮派分子奥古斯丁诺(史蒂文·西格尔 Steven Seagal 饰),早已经金盆洗手的他如{Ziyuantun.Com}
简介:In a sleepy southern town, the Larkin family suffers a terrible tragedy. Now the Larkin's are about to endure another: Traffic lights blink an eerie warning, a ghostly visage prowls in the streets, and graves erupt from the local cemetery in an impla
简介:In 1972, the patients and doctors at Stephens Sanitarium were brutally mu[ZiYuantun.Com]rdered. Over forty years later, the only known survivor returns only to find the ghosts of the past have not been resting in peace. 译文(2): 1972年,Stephens Sanitari