简介:风景优美的山间公路,气喘吁吁的凯尔,一边奋力踩著自行车,一边感谢【ZiYuanTun.Com】死党麦可贴心在他婚前安排这趟旅程。「我和你未婚妻上床了。」麦可突如其来的坦诚,让上气不接下气的凯尔破口大骂,还得注意控制呼吸,好追赶上去痛扁他一顿。 导演麦可偕同好友凯尔合力编写剧本,并亲身上阵饰演这对相爱相杀的难兄难弟。从八分钟一镜到底的同名短片延伸而成,坎城首映后掌声如雷,不仅夺下评审团「怦然心动」奖,高明的场面调度与出众的幽默感,也获得〈综艺〉、〈好莱坞报导〉齐声讚誉。一针见血的men’s tal
简介:For a group of friends in the Northeast, a weekend getaway at a snowy resort sounds like just what the doctor ordered. An opportunity to reconnect, relax, and recuperate among serene, snow-capped mountains and trees. But peace doesn’t last long as the gho
简介:Today is Jimmy's last day alive. Having been diagnosed with Alzheimer's, he's decided to die like he has lived - with intention, humor, and a spoonful of zest. As his last day progresses into night, he tells the story of his past to an upco
简介:艾玛·罗伯茨与迈克尔·安【ZiYuanTun.Com】格拉诺([功夫之王])将合作新片[恋爱关系](In A Relationship,暂译)。电影将由山姆·博伊德自编自导,讲述两对完全不一样的情侣关系。一对才恋爱了6天,一对则努力为5年的关系注入新的生命。影片将对当代爱情灰色地带以及我们同最亲近人之间关系的探讨。