简介:梅丽莎·里奥、贝拉·索恩([约翰·多诺万的死与生])加盟独立制作惊悚片[不留一个活口](Leave Not One Alive,暂译)。约旦{Ziyuantun.Com}·加朗德([超能密友])自编自导。故事讲述女演员莉莉安(里奥饰)的儿子神秘死亡,死亡原因被定为吸毒过量,莉莉安找到贩毒者(索恩饰),准备用自己的方式为儿子报仇。影片目前正在纽约拍摄。
简介:A young woman on the frontier marries a meek farmer who has an annoying habit of going th[ZiYuantun.Com]rough a rather drastic change every full moon. 译文(3): 边境上的一位年轻女子嫁给了一位温顺的农民,这位农民有一个讨厌的习惯,就是每个满月都要经历一次相当剧烈的变化。
简介:When popular and beautiful cheerleader Stacey is stabbed to deat{Ziyuantun.Com}h, who could have done it? It could have been asocial Goth girl Monica, it could've been angst-ridden Jill - or maybe it was the plain girl nobody suspected. 译文(2): 当