简介:黑人女孩小乌(Jada Pinkett Smith 饰)美丽动人、身材曼妙,走在街上的她仿佛【ZiYuanTun.Com】一道令人迷醉的风景线,但是她的爱情之树始终不曾开花结果。某天,占星师瑟莱翠(Girlina 饰)向她通报一个喜讯,小乌将在这天遇见一个处女座的真命天子。虽然失败连连,不过这个乐观的女孩还是愿意再次尝试。她找到表姐克劳蒂亚(Paula Jai Parker 饰),希望表姐陪她参加晚上在某地举行的派对。不过对方可不太情愿,她的表姐正准备和男友兰尼(Dave Chappelle 饰)共渡幸福
简介:Thi{Ziyuantun.Com}s umpteenth version of the Front Page story made the quite appropriate adaptation from newspaper journalism to television. Although the character names have been changed we have no problems identifying the main characters of the Fro
简介:Four young black men kill a white woman. Now the D.A. is very cautious how to pursue this case because it might start a riot. And adding fuel to the fire is a bombastic and vocal black community leader, who's saying that they will not have a fair tri
简介:When Erica French opts to keep the baby she conceived in high school, she never dreamed that one day she would be fighting for custody against the child's father, Scott Stone. Scott Stone initially fought for custody when Erica threatened to cut off