简介:灾祸连连Chèvre, La (1981)的翻版。十分搞笑。 剧情: 企业大亨的女儿玛瑞在墨西哥不知所踪,在大亨本先生极力搜{Ziyuantun.Com}寻之下,42天来毫无头绪。不得已本找来了以坏运气著称的皮瑞和私家侦探卡帕一起去寻找那个同样有坏运气的玛瑞,希望借皮瑞的坏运气找到她。世事自有轮回,在皮瑞一系列的坏运气的“捉弄”之下,他们终于守得云开月明时……本剧搞笑之极,其中对坏运气的“制造”令人不得不佩服法国人制造幽默的功力!
简介:I remember seeing this little film in the theater. It was a second run theater and this was the second part of a double feature with "The Abyss" which I had actually gone to see. I stuck around for this, not expecting much as Burt reynolds didn&