简介:Antonio Poyju is a sorcerer who belongs to a powerful blood lineage. Antonio is being held in a asylum against his will. After an omen, Antonio understands of a great imminent danger. Her daughter Helena, heir to her blood, will be sacrificed by an evil e
简介:Spanning the fifties to the seventies, the film follows Humberto as he gets increasingly in over his head with multiple shady book-cooking schemes throughout South America, leading to an ultimate life-or-death deci[ZiYuantun.Com]sion. 译文(2): 从五十年代到七十
主演:艾琳·库彭海姆 Nicolás Sepúlveda Hugo Medina 亚历山德罗·高克 Carmen Gloria Martínez 安东尼娅·塞赫尔斯 马尔西亚·塔格莱 阿玛莉亚·卡西尼 Gabriel Urzúa Luis Cerda Ana Clara Delfino Elena Delfino Salvador Guenel Vilma M. Verdejo Mauricio Pesutic 赫尔曼·德·席尔瓦 格拉谢拉·特恩博姆