简介:The story centers on a group of strangers trapped in a time warp house where a terrible event transpire{Ziyuantun.Com}d exactly 100 years prior. 译文(3): 故事的中心是一群陌生人被困在时间扭曲的房子里,100年前发生了一起可怕的事件。
简介:警员迈克尔(鲁克•高斯 Luke Goss 饰)的弟弟大卫是毒品黑帮“红棒刺客”的成员,对帮派生涯厌恶的大卫想在退出团伙后结婚,然而红棒刺客头目艾利亚斯却下令将他射杀。迈克尔发誓为弟弟报仇,可负责此案的警察完全{Ziyuantun.Com}无意查案,反将讨要说法的迈克尔痛打。迈克尔此时明白为弟弟报仇只能依靠自己,他做了红棒刺客的纹身,在街头斗殴中脱颖而出,成功加入了红棒刺客一伙儿,自此与悍将安东尼(爱德•奎恩 Ed Quinn 饰)等人在艾利亚斯的命令下四处征讨。迈克尔偶然发现安东尼沉溺于毒品的妹妹居然是
简介:A live audience at Elsewhere in 【ZiYuanTun.Com】Brooklyn, Torres displays his favorite shapes on a custom-made industrial conveyor belt used as a runway for the various items. 译文(2): 作为布鲁克林“其他地方”的现场观众,托雷斯在一条定制的工业传送带上展示了他最喜欢的形状,这条传送带被用作各种物品的跑道。
简介:When Mia, a social media star, becomes the target of an online terror campaign, she has to solve a series of games to prevent people she cares about from getting murdered. But is it real. Or is it just a game [ZiYuantun.Com]at her expense. 译文(2): 当社交