- 2020 / 新西兰
- 主演:Magui Bravi Luz Champané Amparo Espinola 克拉拉·科瓦西奇 Agustin Olcese Amy Smart James Wright
- 简介:一群朋友必须在一场恐怖的比赛中面对自己的恐惧。
- 1953 / 墨西哥
- 主演:比德洛·阿门德里兹 凯蒂·乔拉杜 Rosita Beatriz Roberto Gloria Andrés Paco 海梅·费尔南德斯 何塞·查韦斯 Raúl Agustín Jorge Gunther
- 简介:房产主安德鲁斯(安德鲁斯·索勒Andrés Soler 饰)打算拆除名下一幢旧楼,但聚居在此的贫苦人家不搬,发誓斗争到底。安德鲁斯去自己的屠宰场找工人比德洛(比德洛·阿门德里兹 Pedro Armendáriz 饰)帮忙。比德洛非常感谢老板给他工作,对安德鲁斯言听计从,马上搬进了他家的储藏室。安德鲁斯的老婆帕洛玛(凯蒂·乔拉杜 Katy Jurado 饰)经营一家肉铺,对肌肉发达又勤快的比德洛十分满意,不自觉地看上了他。与此同时,比德洛奉安德鲁斯之命趁夜去旧楼搞破坏,推倒了一个当面质问他的老头儿,被众人追
- 2019 / 西班牙
- 主演:丹尼尔·塔德塞 Agustín Mateo Guillermo Llansó Solomon Tashe Gerda-Annette Allikas Rene Köster Lauri Lagle Carlo Pironti 伊维塔·波尔 Aris Rozentals Metaferia Belayneh Tesfaye Fekade Yared Nigusse Abdulkerim Tenkir Leul Solomon 塔维·艾尔玛 Daniel Taye Workou 宾利·卡鲁
- 简介:CIA探员Palmer与Gagano【ZiYuanTun.Com】受命摧毁名为“苏联”的电脑病毒。两人通过VR进入设备,但却发现这次的任务是一个陷阱。
- 2016 / 英国
- 主演:Dan Carter Sean Fitzpatrick Bryan Habana Eddie Jones Greig Laidlaw Nigel Owens Agustin Pichot Jonny Wilkinson 哈里王子
- 简介:XV Beyond The Tryline takes you behind the scenes to understand what the sport of Rugby means to everyone who touches the game. With the bac kdrop and access point of the Rugby World Cup, it's a unique look at the big sport that's built around a
- 2022 / 新西兰
- 主演:Agustin Olcese Bruno Giacobbe Valeria San Martin
- 简介:Three friends decide to play The Red Book game. What they don't know is that in the house, evil is waiting to be released. There a witch died as part of a satanic ritual. Every question they ask, they get closer and closer to her. 译文(3): 三个朋友决定玩
- 2018 / 阿根廷
- 主演:安杰洛·穆蒂·斯皮内塔 劳塔罗‧罗德里格斯 吉列尔莫·普宁 玛丽安娜·安希列里 班尼西奥·穆蒂·斯皮内塔 罗曼娜·亚历山德拉·古利奇 雷娜塔·利兹 Maite Irina Agustín Franco Joaquín Christian Valentin Manuel Santiago Elana Florencia Cristian
- 简介:Lorenzo和父母弟弟生活在阿根廷小城Patagonia,一天父母朋友的儿子Caíto借住他家。Caíto是个羞涩又沉默寡言的男孩。爱好不同的两人成为朋友,经常骑车登山,有了很多共同语言,也产生了暧【ZiYuanTun.Com】昧情愫,就在这时Lorenzo的父母将Caíto赶了出去…
- 1940 / 墨西哥
- 主演:Sofía Manuel 乔奎因·帕达维 Agustín Antonio Narciso Joaquín Dolores Eduardo 萨拉·加西亚 坎丁弗拉斯
- 简介:still think{Ziyuantun.Com} of this, one of his first movies, as his best. Here Cantinflas' explodes with comic genius. He fully develops the under-educated but always noble, kind-hearted delinquent he is that speaks his mind, only to the confusion of
- 2018 / 阿根廷
- 主演:Victoria Carreras Gastón Cocchiarale Agustin Daulte
- 简介:Natalia is a 19-year-old novice who reluctantly returns home to say goodbye to her dy【ZiYuanTun.Com】ing father. But when she meets up with her sister and her friends, she decides instead to travel the jungle in search of mystical plant. There, instead of
- 2020 / 阿根廷
- 主演:玛丽亚·维拉 Agustina
- 简介:Mariel wants to play Isabella in Shakespeare’s “Measure for Measure”. With the support of Luciana, who is also {Ziyuantun.Com}an actress, she has already rehearsed the part. But during the audition, Mariel realises that Luciana is trying out for the same
- 2022 / 阿根廷
- 主演:劳拉·帕雷德斯 Ezequiel Pierri Juliana Muras 埃莉萨·卡利卡霍 维罗妮卡·利纳斯 沃尔特·雅各布 Rolando Citarella Rodrigo Paredes Eugenia Campos Guevara Lila Toto Matías Feldman Agustín Gagliardi 安德烈亚·加罗特 Daniela Pal Diego Tiseira
- 简介:劳拉离奇失踪了,她的男友拉斐尔和同事埃兹奎尔开始苦苦寻找。他们去了她工作的地方,以及很多数不清的地方。最新的发现有助于他们找到劳拉,然而她的失踪比他们想象的更加古怪复杂。