主演:弗兰克·辛纳特拉 凯瑟琳·格雷森 彼特·劳福德 Marcy Angi William Tamara 威廉·坦嫩 法兰克·马洛 Richard 迪克·韦塞尔 Wilson Constance William Joe George 米切尔·刘易斯 William 奥布里·马瑟 格洛丽亚·格雷厄姆 Phil 伦纳德·布雷门 布鲁斯·考林 Bertha 博伊德·戴维斯 戴尔·亨德森 Lumsden William Mahlon Vincent 艾尔·希尔 Raymond 吉米·杜兰特
简介:Danny has been in the army for 4 years, yet all he thinks about is Brooklyn and how great it is. When he returns after the war, he soon finds that Brooklyn is not so nice after all. He is able to share a place with Nick, the janitor of his old High School
主演:托尼·柯蒂斯 杰基·厄尔·哈利 阿里·托博 大泉滉 罗伯特·索雷尔斯 David Victor Jeffrey 詹姆斯·斯特利 乔治·维内尔 Don 猪木宽至 Dick Jerry Brett 小杉正一 David 萩本钦一 里吉斯·菲尔宾 若山富三郎 Matthew Erin 朗尼·查普曼 吉恩·拉贝尔 Yangi Hugh
简介:With all eyes on Japan after defeating the Houston Toros in The Bad News Bears in Breaking Training (1977), California's champions, The Bears, embar[ZiYuantun.Com]k on a fascinating adventure in the far-off Land of the Rising Sun. Under the wing of t
主演:安妮·利贝尔 Doris Karin Cihangir Luis 霍华德·沃侬 Rosa Andrea
简介:A group of nun's become possessed by demons and are then tortured in a dungeon of horrors during the inquisition. 译文(2): 一群修女被[ZiYuantun.Com]恶魔附身,然后在宗教法庭审讯期间在恐怖的地牢里受到折磨。
简介:Strange other-worldly sounds are echoing around the world. A group of researchers, led by expert ufologist Lorraine Gardner, begin an expedition to{Ziyuantun.Com} track down the point of origin from which the sounds emerge. Yet as their journey deepens, t
简介:12岁的小男孩赫克托在母亲死后来到了住在马尼拉的外婆家里。他与外婆从未见过面。不久他认识了邻家女孩赛尔和街头混混米盖尔。赫克托十分想融入到这个新的环境中去,于是加入了米盖尔一伙。一天晚上,他在入室盗窃时被乔斯逮个正着,那晚,他的生活发生了改变…… Following his mother's death, Hector arrives in Manila to live with his grandmoth{Ziyuantun.Com}er. Unable to speak Tagal
主演:Jameson Blake Joao Constancia Gab Pangilinan Raffy Tejada Connie Virtucio Skyzx Labastilla Rayana Eissa 罗曼·佩雷斯 Wilma Hollis Mark Grabador Sigrid Polon Karlo Alimbuyugin Daisy Cayanan Jancy E. Nicolas Jonathan Albano Chire G. Estanislao Dip B. Mariposque C