简介:"Nadja a Paris," a short film from Eric Rohmer, tells the story of a Yugoslavian-born girl (who was ado【ZiYuanTun.Com】pted by an American family, who goes to study at the Cite Universitaire in Paris. The character development, considering the br
简介:Genre: Short | Documentary ======================================【ZiYuanTun.Com】== Runtime: 23 min Synopsis: A sophisticated and beautifully constructed account of landscape change in and around Paris in the early 1960s. The film raises com
简介:1964年,正是法国电影新浪潮风起云涌的年代。六位电影大师有了个念头--要拍一拍发生在身边巴黎的故事。在很多电影找不到赞助商的时候,他们想出了个便宜的办法:先用16毫米的胶片拍,再放大到35毫米以作商业发行。这部电影就是《...眼中的巴黎》(Paris Vu Par...) 电影由六个小故事组成,充分反映了六位导演的技巧,但毕竟是短片,所以并未引起广大的关注。 Saint-German-des-Près Jean Douchet 导演 第一个故事比较一般。一个美国少女爱上了一