简介:This insightful and informative documentary explores the popular world of Mindfulness from the perspective of four people who study and teach {Ziyuantun.Com}it. 译文(2): 这部见解深刻、内容丰富的纪录片从四个学习和教授正念的人的角度探索了正念的流行世界。
简介:Josh (Zach Weintraub) is a young American who has traveled to Buenos Aires to find subjects for a documentary series he has been commissioned to produce. While there, he seems also to be hoping to use the time to regroup—although regroup from what is uncl
简介:The Long Island Serial Killer: A Mot【ZiYuanTun.Com】her’s Hunt for Justice tells the story of Mari Gilbert’s search for the truth behind what happened to her daughter Shannan, a sometime escort who disappeared after a ‘date’ on Long Island. After Shannan (
简介:Liv Morgan will introduces the world to Gionna Daddio, a struggling high school student with your dreams of becoming a WWE superstar. In her own words, Liv will navigates the highs and【ZiYuanTun.Com】 lows of her emotional and deeply personal journey, from
简介:Whitney (Wagner) owns Marietta Designs, an interior 【ZiYuanTun.Com】design firm which she runs with her friend, Andi (Tegan Moss). She's designing Santa's float for the town's annual Christmas parade when a potential job opportunity comes he
简介:Donna Haraway’s groundbreaking work in science, technology, gender and trans-species relationships over the last four decades is marked by her deep commitments to feminism and environmentalism. Refusing to distinguish between humans and animals and machin
简介:Moroni Benally is running for the presidency of the Navajo Nation, the largest Native American nation in the U.S. Young, gay, Mormon, and highly educated, he sets out to confront the political establishment in a homecoming t【ZiYuanTun.Com】hat challenges w