简介:面对森林大火,人们避之唯恐不及,但作为专业救人人员的杰西却从飞机上跳伞进入火场中心,狂风大作,助长火势,巨浪般的火焰无情地向杰西和他的伙伴扑来,给人的感觉像是伸出炼狱之中,更糟的是,除了大火,杰西还要面对以义务消防人员面目出现的罪犯。在孤立无援的情况下,灭火,擒凶,救出被扣作人质的鸟类学家珍妮弗,似乎所有不可能完成的重任都一股脑的压在了杰西等人身上,而时间正一分一秒的过去。。。。。。 The plot involves a group of Wyoming State convicts who
简介:Based on the true story of the enduring but troubled love between Lois Wilson, co-founder of Al-Anon, and her alc{Ziyuantun.Com}oholic husband Bill Wilson, co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous. 译文(3): 根据Al Anon的联合创始人洛伊斯·威尔逊和她酗酒的丈夫、匿名酗酒者的联合创始人比尔·威尔逊之间持久
简介:Three escaped convicts from prison[ZiYuantun.Com] take a group of deaf students hostage and hold them captive to keep the authorities at bay. FBI agent John Potter (James Garner) leads the FBIs hostage rescue team in their efforts to get the kids released