简介:Excellent movie - the only sad thing is that it's taken me so long to see it. Quite different from Gregory's Girl: it's probably not quite as charming but I think it's equally quirky and has a better storyline. Great acting as well, wh
简介:Cirque du Soleil太阳剧团发迹于加拿大法语区的魁北克省,正式的成立时间是在1984年,然而追溯该团的起源,应该从1982年的夏天开始。当时,魁北克省的滨河城镇Baie-Saint-Paul,是魁北克画家朝圣的麦加,有着优美的田园风光,吸引着无数的艺术家、艺术品购者和爱好艺术的游客。有一群年轻的街头艺人自称为“高脚跟俱乐部”,这些人具有踩高跷、杂耍、变戏法、表演吞火的专长,并且经常做意见和技术的交流。由于他们的表演往往带给观众极大的欢乐,触发他们组成团体的灵感,于是一个以全新风貌带给全世界视觉
简介:Midnight Delight is a comedy film set in a smoking lounge. It features nine vignettes of comedy, wit and reality that follows strangers in high spirits, crossing paths during nights of exploration. These curious visitors reflect on daily existence, societ