简介:When reptilian aliens begin to take over the world, the remaining{Ziyuantun.Com} survivors' must band together and fight back with newly developed fighter jets. 译文(2): 当爬行动物外星人开始接管世界,剩下的幸存者必须团结起来,用新开发的战斗机进行反击。
简介:A D-Day rescue missio[ZiYuantun.Com]n turns ugly when a band of Allied soldiers battle with horrific experiments created by the Nazis. 译文(2): 诺曼底登陆日的营救任务变得很糟糕,一队盟军士兵与纳粹制造的恐怖实验作战。
简介:Russian operatives hijack a commercial American jet, planning to crash it into a nuclear power plant near Washington, D.C. resulting in fallout that will devastate the Eastern seaboard. With little time for Air Force fighters to [ZiYuantun.Com]shoot it do
简介:When a family visits Grandma's house on Ch{Ziyuantun.Com}ristmas Eve, they leave their dog at home alone. And when burglars try to take the presents from under the tree, the dog must use every trick it knows to stop them. 译文(2): 当一个家庭在圣诞节前夕拜访奶奶的