简介:他是一个落魄的拳手,曾经的辉煌年代早已过去,他也不愿再提,如今他推着一辆超市手推车流浪在街头,连一个名字都没有,同伴们给他起了个外号——反复嚼(塞缪尔·杰克逊 Samuel L. Jackson 饰)。艾里克(乔什·哈奈特 Josh Hartnett 饰)是一个不太成功的记者,除了被老板派遣去采访一些毫无价值的体育新闻外,他一事无成。 一场斗殴将这两个看似毫无交集的男人联系到了一起,艾里克将反复嚼从小混混的拳脚下救出时也发现了他惊人的拳击天赋,他认出了这个脏兮兮的老头竟然就是曾经红极一时的拳击天
主演:Jake McDorman Leela Savasta and William Baldwin
简介:24岁的波士顿大学医学院学生马可夫(Philip Markoff)利用Craigslist广告, 欺骗从事**交易的女子上勾,然后在旅馆中抢劫她们, 甚至残忍的谋杀她们。媒体叫他Craigslist网站杀手, 一连串的案件令警方及社会陷入深深的不安… “The Craigslist Killer” follows the dark, mysterious life Philip Markoff (Jake McDorman) conducted online while preparing fo
简介:In his Scottish New Town home, gangling Gregory and his school-friends are starting to find out about girls. He fancies Dorothy, not least because she has got into the football team - and is a better player than him. He finally asks her out, but it is obv